Saturday, January 24, 2015

Day 23: Take a photo of something you collect, and create a glass powder sgraffito drawing of it.

I collect shot glasses as a souvenir from many of the places I've traveled and the occasional event/performance I've attended.  I like them because they are small and don't take up much space.  I do use them (as they were intended!) once in a while and when I do, they bring back good memories from various trips or concerts.  The one below is from New York City.  (Yes, I should've curved the letters).  I've been there many times, but on this particular trip, I talked to my husband on the phone briefly from the top of the Empire State Building.  I say briefly because it was very difficult to get cell phone reception from up there.  (Who'da thunk that?!)  But it was kind of fun to say "Hello, guess where I am talking to you from?".

I am particular about the shot glasses I have... it has to be from someplace I've been and not one that someone brought back for me.  I also typically like the classier ones (is there such a thing?) and stay away from the goofy touristy sayings.  I did keep one from a wedding that says "Sandy & Clifton", not because I was particularly close to Sandy or Clifton, but because I thought it a strange wedding favor for two people who have most likely never touched a drop of liquor in their lives and never will!  Here's to you Sandy & Clifton!

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