Saturday, January 31, 2015

Day 31: The End! Recap of creations

Well, the 30 in 30 Sgraffito Challenge is over!  It was challenging, rewarding, frustrating, interesting, maddening, and joyous all at once.  Many, many thanks to Kelly Crosser Alge for investing so much of her time into us.  She did a fantastic job of giving assignments that were spot on to bring us out of our comfort zones, but gave plenty of encouragement to make us believe that we could complete them and we did.  I'm so glad I participated.  Not only did I learn that if I stick to this, I could get "good", but I met so many talented glass artists and just plain nice people along the way.  Best January ever!  Here's my composite Sgraffito month.
Here's my Albert Einstein, fired.  A couple of blemishes, but not too bad!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Day 30: Day 2 of Self Portrait

Ok, still not great and it doesn't look like me, but I think I'm done!  At least it's better than yesterday's...  The most important thing I learned today is to start over.  I spent a couple of hours trying to fix up yesterday's mess to no avail.  I could not get the eyes and mouth right for anything.  I was just going to post it anyway and then I just couldn't.  It was awful!  Too awful to post.  So, I scraped her (me!) and started over with another photo.

I think Albert was easier!  Who would've thought this to be so difficult?  I mean, after all, it's just another photo.  But, I just couldn't get the eyes or mouth right.  I wonder if there's a trick to it?

So the 30 in 30 Sgraffito Challenge is done!  It was a great learning experience and I would do it all again!  Kelly Crosser Alge led us down unexpected paths and, in her genius, she got us to do more than we ever thought possible for ourselves.  The group was also great, very supportive and fun.  I stuck to this for all 30 days.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Day 29: Day 1 of Self-Portrait

UGH!!!!  Who IS this?!  This looks nothing like me!  So many things wrong here and so tired.  Will try to fix it tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Day 28: Day 2 of Albert Einstein

 Albert complete! 
So glad he is DONE!  I am going to fire this one, just to see how it comes out.  What could go wrong?!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Day 27: Create a fused glass powder sgraffito drawing of our model, Albert.

Day 1 of Albert:  Here's Big Al, so far, sans hair.  He looks more like an aged Kojak to me, but we shall see... ! 
While I was working, I couldn't help but wonder what Albert would think of our little exercise.  I don't know much about Albert Einstein personally other than he was a genius and is known for e=mc2.  He did marry (twice) and have children and his quotes are full of wisdom with a slice of humor.  So, I think this might give him a chuckle.
I wanted to stop here, but I actually continued after I took this "in progress" photo.  I think he may be done, but in studying my photo, I see things I want to clean up a bit, so I'm going to let him "simmer" on the work table tonight and see what he looks like to me tomorrow. 
Surprisingly, though I did start upside down, I did most of this work right side up.  And, regardless of whether he ends up looking like Einstein or not, I'm amazed that within a month, I could sketch a human being that is recognizable!  THANK YOU KELLY CROSSER ALGE!!!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Day 26: Create a tree upside down, right hand draws right side, left hand draws left side

Here's my attempt at a cedar tree.  Creating the tree upside down was not an issue for me because I often do the branches that way.  Just seems easier to me.  The left hand still seems a bit more awkward, but with time, I think it would get easier.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Day 25: Create a tree using only a business card, tools at your disposal, and your non-dominant hand

Determined to make a better tree today, even left-handed!  I still found it awkward to not use my right hand, which was frequently trying to grab the card out of my left hand.  I think today's trees are both much better than yesterday.  It seems that, no matter which hand you use, if you concentrate on creating the tree itself, it still manages to get onto the glass.  I tried a couple of different styles of trees and that in itself was a bit foreign, but I like the outcome much more than my usual attempt to create a "typical" tree.  I even signed the last one!  I think trees are a great subject matter for this technique and I will definitely be sgraffito-ing more trees!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Day 24: Create a fused glass sgraffito sketch of a tree using only the business card and non-dominant hand

Tree sketched with a business card and my left hand.  It actually looks a lot like my right-handed tree.  I probably did a half dozen trees before I got one that was acceptable.  It was a bit more difficult than I thought it would be!

P.S.  As I was finishing up this sketch, Neil Young's "Powderfinger" came on the radio. 

Day 23: Take a photo of something you collect, and create a glass powder sgraffito drawing of it.

I collect shot glasses as a souvenir from many of the places I've traveled and the occasional event/performance I've attended.  I like them because they are small and don't take up much space.  I do use them (as they were intended!) once in a while and when I do, they bring back good memories from various trips or concerts.  The one below is from New York City.  (Yes, I should've curved the letters).  I've been there many times, but on this particular trip, I talked to my husband on the phone briefly from the top of the Empire State Building.  I say briefly because it was very difficult to get cell phone reception from up there.  (Who'da thunk that?!)  But it was kind of fun to say "Hello, guess where I am talking to you from?".

I am particular about the shot glasses I have... it has to be from someplace I've been and not one that someone brought back for me.  I also typically like the classier ones (is there such a thing?) and stay away from the goofy touristy sayings.  I did keep one from a wedding that says "Sandy & Clifton", not because I was particularly close to Sandy or Clifton, but because I thought it a strange wedding favor for two people who have most likely never touched a drop of liquor in their lives and never will!  Here's to you Sandy & Clifton!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Day 21: Compose a collection of flowers in a container

"I feel such creative power in myself that I know for sure that the time will arrive when, so to speak, I shall regularly make something good every day. But very rarely a day passes that I do not make something, though it is not yet the real thing I want to make."
 ~Vincent van Gogh (Letter to Theo van Gogh, 9 September 1882) 
This is exactly how I feel!  Who knew that I could relate to a famous true artist?
Day 21's assignment was to sketch a collection of flowers in a container, focusing on achieving a nice value range, white, light, middle, dark, black.  Here are my hydrangeas.  The proportion is a bit different than the inspiration photo, but I think the shading on this sketch is somewhat better than I've done in the past.  I so wish I could be Kelly's flunky in exchange for daily critiques and coaching of my sketches!  Kelly, would you consider it??!!

All in all, after 21 days straight of sketching, I'm still so intrigued by this process.  And, I'm still surprised that I'm intrigued by this process!  Let's keep going!

Day 20: Create a flower

Today, I attempted a dogwood blossom.  The shading is more difficult than I thought it should be, but then if everyone could do it, everyone would be an artist.  Still working on it...

Monday, January 19, 2015

Day 19: Create a floral themed piece of your choice

Here are my grape hyacinths.  They are one of the first flowers to show themselves in the spring.  I tried snowdrops, but they proved to be more difficult than they look.
Also tried some hydrangeas.  Fussed far too long with this one.  By then, I couldn't even think about how the shading should really be done, so I'm sure it could be better.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Day 18: Sketch an object that is white (Day 3 of 3)

Ok, I tried an egg.  The shading was very difficult.  I do not like eggs and shade; I do not like them Sam I am!
Then, I tried white flowers.  Eh...!  White is VERY difficult to portray.  Of course, it doesn't help that I'm using French Vanilla.  I hope Kelly can give us some pointers.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Day 17: Sketch an object that is white (Day 2 of 3)

Does this look like a white tennis shoe?  It was difficult to shade around it.

Day 16: Sketch an object that is white (Day 1 of 3)

Day 1 of the 3-day Whites Weekend.  Thinking about whites things... how about a snowman?  We had a pretty good snow storm this week, with snowman-perfect snow.  Lots of snowman in lots of front yards here.  Below is my snowman and the reference photo.  I did add stick arms as all snowmen should at least have appendages!
Shading is tough!  I can always see on the photo of my sketch what I can't see when I'm looking at the glass:  could've done a better job of shading.  I think maybe I'll try him again.  At any rate, he is warm and safely back in the jar. 
I have not fired any of my 30-day sketches as I don't have a lot of FV glass and no white at all.  Need to take a road trip and restock.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Day 15: In 15 minutes or less, sketch something you ate today

I'd like to again sketch broccoli because that would mean I was eating healthy, but no, here's half a Paczki (sounds like "punch-key", Polish for filled donut), filled with cream cheese.  My husband loves Paczki "season" and it seems to have begun early this year.  No matter what they are filled with, when these babies are fresh, they are irresistible.  I was dreading sketching this, but it didn't turn out half bad.

Then I rather quickly sketched a broken tree along a bank.  I've been very challenged by this whole process of sgraffito, feeling like I'm not progressing.  But, to my surprise, I'm fairly happy with the bank and rocks below.  Maybe the key is being quicker about the sketch and not fussing about details so much.  Maybe, just maybe, something is finally sinking in...

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Day 14: Sketch something that frightens you

I'm having an uninspired day.  I don't like spiders and snakes, but after looking at others' sketches of spiders, I decided that I didn't even want to sketch one!  Couldn't think of too many other things that frighten me, so here's the Boogie Man/monster under the bed!  
Then I started to practice on a sugar skull, 'cause for some reason, I'm a bit drawn to them.  Maybe by next All Saints Day, I'll have it down!  This one looks kind of mad though - need more of a grin?

Day 13: Sketch the shark

My internet went down last night, so I'm a little late in posting the shark.  It does look better to me this morning than when I finished it yesterday.  When I was making it, each area of detail seemed good, but when I looked at it as a whole, it was lacking.  It was probably the toughest assignment yet in a lot of ways, but it forced me to use different methods of shading, some with the sifter alone, some with the card, some with my fingers dropping the powder.  Looking at the inspiration photo, I was tempted to cover the glass with frit and then start, but instead I outlined the shark and completed the detail, then dusted the edges.  I think that worked better than if I'd had an even coat of powder to start with as it would've gotten in my way.  I turned the glass many times during the process, working upside down, sideways, etc.  Though not a composition I would have chosen (nor probably would any of us!), it was a great exercise.  Not sure if I captured enough depth, but it might look better fired.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Day 12: Sketch something you use every day

First I tried to sketch my drinking glass, one of those insulated plastic ones.  I tried to capture the light reflections, but had a difficult time with it.

Then, I tried to sketch the dogs' leashes hanging on the hook.  Not a fan of this either.  Getting frustrated.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Day 11: Create a vegetable

Well, I couldn't wait to try out the kitchen scrubber, so today I made broccoli.  It has some smooth parts and some bumpy parts.  Though the stalk is largely smooth, it still has some bumps and ridges and leaves.  And, of course the top is nubby.  I hope I captured broccoli!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Day 10: do a sketch of your fruit in some kind of setting, or doing something fun

Ok, had all kinds of fruits with goofy faces and puns come to mind, but kept going back to this photo.  So, here's my banana for today.  Not really much of a setting, but some shading to help.  These sketches are coming quicker now, perhaps I'm getting used to moving the powder.  Or, maybe because it's too cold to stay in my basement studio for long. 
Here's my sketch up against the inspiration photo.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Day 9: Using your homemade tools, business card, sifter, and /or fingers, create a sketch of a piece of fruit.

Here's my apple and pear.  The actual fruit was posed this way.  Although the outlines are too thick and dark, I like the sketch.  With my fluorescent lights, it was difficult to see where the shadows should fall and how dark to make them, but I think this works.  I added a simple background line just to give the fruit some composition and reference.
The powder is either getting easier to move or the fruit was an easier subject for me.  Either way, the sketch didn't take too long and it resembles what it should!
This challenge is certainly challenging for someone like me who can't and doesn't draw, but I am determined to keep going.  I know a "style" will emerge at some point.  I'm still sketching only in black on French Vanilla, still not signing them, still dumping them back into the jar, and still can't overload my brain with the coloration of these sketches.  However, there are 21 days left!  I also still have hope! :)

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Day 8: Use something as a tool to make a sketch

Ok, so yesterday, I used a spiral from a notebook.  This afternoon, I took a sneak peak at others' postings for today and discovered that other people had used tools I was thinking of using - the dish scrubber, stringers, etc.  So instead, I chose to use the edge of some pieces of Bullseye glass to make background mountains.  This is something I'd like to perfect, using various shades of blues and/or greens.  My husband said he thought this was my best sketch yet.  I like the way the flash from the camera landed on the house and makes it look like the lights are on inside.  Couldn't help but think that maybe this is where Phil Schroeder resides in Heaven... seems like a place he would like to be.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Day 6: 5 5-minute sgraffito sketches (fingers, business card)

Same assignment.  It's easier to create from a photo or picture than from my head.  Still, five minutes goes by so fast.  I like the sunflower best and I did most of that with my fingers.  Hmmm... less is more! :)  I don't know that this is getting any easier yet.
Yep, it's a cardinal.

Looks nothing like the photo, but I still like it.

Still so elementary.

Conveys the idea, though ugh!

Like the flower, not the leaves.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Day 5: 5 5-minute sgraffito sketches (fingers, business card)

I did seven 5-minute sketches today to make up for only four yesterday.  Five minutes goes by so fast!  But, I'm going to keep doing these till I loosen up.  I want to be able to do trees well, but also want to be able to do nature scenes as well as buildings (I have plans...!), so I think a variety of practice subjects is good.  Still trying to get too much detail.  Have to do less powder, more suggestion. 
Still looking very elementary...
They look good when you're building them, but they don't look so good when you see the photos.

Not enough time to develop the stump.

 Yep, looks like a dog...
but not like the dog in the picture!  Still, passable.

Ugh!  Still doesn't convey any feeling.

Got stuck on the shed, ran out of time. I like the fence though! :)

Well, who doesn't like bunnies?

Ok, this was much more than 5 minutes and the sketch doesn't capture Sterling the dog well, but I think I managed to get a little depth into it.

He looks a little sad... maybe 'cause he's going back in the jar!